Voluntary N95 Use

UNM has instituted a mask mandate for all indoor areas of the UNM campus. The mandate requires the use of at least surgical-grade masks on campus. Departments can purchase masks through LoboMart. Employees may choose to use a mask with a higher level of respiratory protection than a surgical mask such as an N95, KN95, or KF94 here-on referred to as respirators or respirator-like masks (see table below). You can see a guide on masks here. Please be aware that there are a number of counterfeit N-95 and KN-95 respirators/masks and you are encouraged to check whether your respirator/mask is NIOSH-certified at Counterfeit Respirators / Misrepresentation of NIOSH-Approval | NPPTL | NIOSH | CDC

Respirators (see table below) or respirator-like masks such as these afford a higher level of protection than a surgical mask when worn properly. However, the tight-fitting and thick nature of respirators (see table below) or respirator-like masks will create higher levels of strain on the cardiopulmonary system of users. Users should consult with their health care provider if they are concerned about the use of a voluntarily worn respirator (see table below) or respirator-like mask.

Respirator-like masks do not require any special training or acknowledgment. However, the guidance in the training video below (see video below) is recommended for those wearing respirator-like masks as well.

The use of respirators (see table below) by individuals is voluntary. Compulsory use of respirators requires medical clearance, testing, and training; contact EHS for more details. All faculty and staff working outside clinical areas that choose to wear respirators (see table below) in lieu of a surgical mask must view the training video and sign the acknowledgment. The employee’s supervisor will keep the form on file with training records.



Respirator-like masks

N95, N100, P100, Half Face or full-face elastomeric

KN95, KF94, KF80, any other tight-fitting mask certified to a non-NIOSH standard

Voluntary Use Requires Training

No Training Required

Compulsory use requires medical clearance, testing, and training

Compulsory use does not require specific training