Trending Data

Data Collection

To measure the improvement of UNM’s culture of health and safety, EHS has implemented robust data collection and analysis procedures. The department began by identifying leading indicators such as training delivered, and lagging indicators such as violations or injuries. Training efficacy is vital for the delivery of appropriate information. EHS has set out to measure effectiveness by comparing inspection deficiencies identified over time, and by conducting follow-up surveys on training. EHS has partnered with Risk Services, Employee Occupational Health and Safety (EOHS), UNM Medical Group, Student Health and Counseling (SHAC), and others to improve incident reporting to capture lagging indicators. In addition to these internal efforts and partnerships, EHS is also proactively seeking the services of an outside consultant with experience in conducting safety culture assessments. The consultant will deliver a strategic plan for making actionable changes after assessing the maturity of UNM’s culture of health and safety. By measuring leading indicators, and lagging indicators, and knowing where we stand concerning our culture of health and safety, EHS intends to direct resources most powerfully and efficiently to improve campus safety.

Trending Data for CY2024: 

  • Quarter 1: January 1st, 2024 to March 31st, 2024
    • Total number of  reports: 71
    • Most common: Slip/Trip/Fall
    • Least common: Spills and Vehicle Accidents


  • Quarter 2: April 1st, 2024 to June 30th, 2024
    • Total number of  reports: 82
    • Most common: Other & Slip/Trip/Fall
    • Least common: Spills, Construction Incidents, Chemical Exposures, Burns

Q2 Incidents 

2023 Accident and Incident Data: